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Telegram Chat Shilling [RU/EN] [50+ MSG/15 ACCOUNTS] [7-28 DAYS]

Telegram Chat Shilling [RU/EN] [50+ MSG/15 ACCOUNTS] [7-28 DAYS]




Telegram Chat Shilling

108.9 $

Price for 1

With this service, you can get “live” communication in your chat room. Automated accounts fully imitate live communication of live people. At the output you get: 15 formalized accounts for your project, which will write in your chat (from 50 messages per day). And not just template messages, but for each project unique messages under the theme of the project. After the purchase you will be contacted by a manager in telegram and discuss the details of the order, so specify your username. YOU CAN ORDER UP 28 DAYS, THE AMOUNT OF MSG AND ACCOUNTS WILL KEEP THE SAME! 1 AMOUNT = 7 DAYS 2 AMOUNT 14 DAYS AND SO ON

Telegram Chat Shilling

108.9 $

Price for 1

With this service, you can get “live” communication in your chat room. Automated accounts fully imitate live communication of live people. At the output you get: 15 formalized accounts for your project, which will write in your chat (from 50 messages per day). And not just template messages, but for each project unique messages under the theme of the project. After the purchase you will be contacted by a manager in telegram and discuss the details of the order, so specify your username. YOU CAN ORDER UP 28 DAYS, THE AMOUNT OF MSG AND ACCOUNTS WILL KEEP THE SAME! 1 AMOUNT = 7 DAYS 2 AMOUNT 14 DAYS AND SO ON