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Telegram Mass Invite [1K]

Telegram Mass Invite [1K]




Telegram Mass Invite [Group/Chat]

75.9 $

Price for 1

Audience Invite is one of the most effective means to attract a real and targeted audience! Do not confuse it with botting, as we are talking about the target audience only! This service is intended for groups in Telegram. Adding users to channels is not possible. Expect unsubscribes in the range of: 25-30% Recommendations: In order to safely add users to a group, there are a few basic rules: 1. The group must have been created at least 6 months ago, better 12 months+ (if you don't have it, you can buy it from us) 2. Group design factors (words like “Crypto/Arbitrage/Trade” are added to the Telegram filter). (it is better not to use such words in the title/description/text, etc.) 3. Before invites - the group should be warmed up by bots, it is best to add 1000-1500 bots before invites. 4. Observe the limits on the invite (up to 200 users per day) 5. Do not put more than 1 group on 1 owner (on the account of the owner of the group should not be spamblock, you can check the account for the presence of spamblock at the link: https://t.me/SpamBot )

Telegram Mass Invite [Group/Chat]

75.9 $

Price for 1

Audience Invite is one of the most effective means to attract a real and targeted audience! Do not confuse it with botting, as we are talking about the target audience only! This service is intended for groups in Telegram. Adding users to channels is not possible. Expect unsubscribes in the range of: 25-30% Recommendations: In order to safely add users to a group, there are a few basic rules: 1. The group must have been created at least 6 months ago, better 12 months+ (if you don't have it, you can buy it from us) 2. Group design factors (words like “Crypto/Arbitrage/Trade” are added to the Telegram filter). (it is better not to use such words in the title/description/text, etc.) 3. Before invites - the group should be warmed up by bots, it is best to add 1000-1500 bots before invites. 4. Observe the limits on the invite (up to 200 users per day) 5. Do not put more than 1 group on 1 owner (on the account of the owner of the group should not be spamblock, you can check the account for the presence of spamblock at the link: https://t.me/SpamBot )